
I rescued my pet owner Jac in 2020, I am still undergoing extensive medical treatments for what was done to me. I am a Mastiff. I do not believe in aggression; I do not understand meanness or cruelty, I think I should win Ms. America because all I want is peace in the world. I have to go to the vet, dermatologist, oral surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, and ophthalmologist on a monthly basis; but I never complain. I am happy all the time, I love everyone and everything. I am feeling so amazing that I no longer need a doggie bed because I can now get on the big person bed, couches, and chairs (regardless of size, I will make myself fit). I wag my tail for everything, you scold me – I wag my tail, you are busy – I wag my tail, you are late with my meals because you are “working” – I wag my tail, you sleep late – I wag my tail, you look in my direction – I wag my tail. I do not hold grudges, resentment nor do I know anger, I am what humans should aspire to be.