My academic and professional background has been in the accounting and financial arena that encompassed over 35 years; though I was fortunate to have those experiences, the 12/14-hour days and personal choices did eventually take its toll on my health. My health challenges affected all aspects of my life and throughout the toughest times, my pets (for me it has been dogs) actually brought peace and love and always a smile to my life. They also taught me lessons that a classroom or boardroom could not have instilled in me.

I have had the blessings of having pets (as many as 7 at a time) throughout my adult life; I have also been able to work with exceptional shelters, non-profit organizations, vets, and volunteers that have provided me a wealth of information, guidance when I was making “assumptions” vs. getting accurate information, and more importantly assistance to ensure these amazing creatures did not pay the price for my incompetence. While I still have quite a bit to put my life back together, I do want to share the lessons my incredible pups brought to my life in hopes you do not have to learn the same way I did WHILE at the same time providing you information and guidance that you can create the best life for the pet in your life.

I currently have the privilege of living with 5 dogs; up until this summer, I had 7 living with me; I lost two to cancer. They are all rescues, and they truly bring joy to my every day. This is not about discounting the challenges that come with any commitment or “sugar coating” the responsibility of pet ownership, but to share my experiences and how all that responsibility is countered with every single day they bring lessons to my attention.

I will share information I have been exposed to along with the journey of learning to be a responsible pet owner while valuing that these creatures are depending on our decisions, emotions and reactions. I hope this blog brings value to all those taking on pet ownership.

Let’s take this ride with the window down (about halfway for safety reasons) but ensuring the wind is blowing our hair/fur and our jowls flapping in the wind!

Salud Jac

This blog is to share information and resources that I have collected/researched/been provided along with my own personal experiences that I hope will help guide others with pet ownership and hopefully allow for the best relationship between owner and pet?

 This is blog is not created to bring on a debate of the pecking order of the value of humans vs. animals vs. environment vs spirituality, simply “my” personal experiences with my animals and how it provided a true appreciation for the journey of life.

meet the pups

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